Gutermann Sew-All Polyester Thread 500 m (547 yards) - Ivory (Color #800)

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Gutermann Sew-All Thread is the right sewing thread for all materials and seams. Sew-All is exceptionally suited for stitching by sewing machine or by hand, regardless of the stitch type. Sew-all Thread is designed to handle all demands.

This particularly high-quality and uniform sewing thread guarantees optimal sewing without fiber lint and seam crimping with the finest needles. Strong and durable seams result from the high tear and abrasion resistance of the sewing thread.

Made in Germany.

More Information
Product TypeEmbroidery
Country of ManufactureGermany

Product Information

Gutermann Sew-All Thread is the right sewing thread for all materials and seams. Sew-All is exceptionally suited for stitching by sewing machine or by hand, regardless of the stitch type. Sew-all Thread is designed to handle all demands.

This particularly high-quality and uniform sewing thread guarantees optimal sewing without fiber lint and seam crimping with the finest needles. Strong and durable seams result from the high tear and abrasion resistance of the sewing thread.

Made in Germany.

More Information
Product TypeEmbroidery
Country of ManufactureGermany
Gutermann Sew-All Polyester Thread 500 m (547 yards) - Ivory (Color #800)